Cover Page Design

Format File : Microsoft Word (.doc)
Untuk tulisan / judul laporan pada Cover laporan ini bisa di edit menggunakan microsoft word
cover ini cocok untuk laporan bulanan atau cover page, semoga anda menyukainya


Budi yuwono said...

desainnya modern, coba dulu

Unknown said...

excellent, will try

gseoa5 said...

I'm on the fence about this, while more customization is good, I have a feeling this is a "in-progress" update, it just feels incomplete and half-way there.
We use badge layout for apps on design approvals (visual projects), so the image being displayed is important. Old layout "feels like" it had larger images,
maybe because the images were cropped more loosely so it's easier to tell which project it was at quick glance. Now the image is cropped closer, making it
harder to scan thru at quick glance. I find myself needing to click into the project more often than usual. Which makes the whole user experience less
I have a couple suggestions that might make it work better:
1. Increase the height of the window the cover image is being displayed.
2. Let us to choose which image to be displayed as "cover" (like how Pinterest handles cover images of each board, was hoping for this for a long time)
3. Let us adjust which part of the image to show and how tight or loose the crop is (with a fixed window, let us move the image around and maybe enlarge or
shrink it to control what shows thru the window. Pinterest does a limited form of this, which is very useful in making the cover image relevant)
4. Allow Cover Image to be ordered in different hierarchy (currently every element can be ordered differently except the Cover Image, it seems to be stuck
in the 2nd spot, would like the option to set it on another spot in the layout. This one seems like an easy fix, since you guys allow that for every other
element already)


Saya akan sangat merekomendasikan layanan pendanaan meridian Le_ kepada siapa saja yang membutuhkan bantuan keuangan dan mereka akan membuat Anda tetap di atas direktori tinggi untuk kebutuhan lebih lanjut. Sekali lagi saya memuji diri sendiri dan staf Anda untuk layanan luar biasa dan layanan pelanggan, karena ini merupakan aset besar bagi perusahaan Anda dan pengalaman yang menyenangkan bagi pelanggan seperti saya. Semoga Anda mendapatkan yang terbaik untuk masa depan. Layanan pendanaan meridian adalah cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan pinjaman yang mudah, di sini ada email .. Atau bicaralah dengan Bpk. Benjamin Di WhatsApp Via_. 1-989-394-3740
Terima kasih telah membantu saya dengan pinjaman sekali lagi dalam hati yang tulus, saya selamanya berterima kasih.

killerfanthose said...

I'm on the fence about this, while more customization is good, I have a feeling this is a "in-progress" update, it just feels incomplete and half-way there.
We use badge layout for apps on design approvals (visual projects), so the image being displayed is important. Old layout "feels like" it had larger images,
maybe because the images were cropped more loosely so it's easier to tell which project it was at quick glance. Now the image is cropped closer, making it
harder to scan thru at quick glance. I find myself needing to click into the project more often than usual. Which makes the whole user experience less
I have a couple suggestions that might make it work better:
1. Increase the height of the window the cover image is being displayed.
2. Let us to choose which image to be displayed as "cover" (like how Pinterest handles cover images of each board, was hoping for this for a long time)
3. Let us adjust which part of the image to show and how tight or loose the crop is (with a fixed window, let us move the image around and maybe enlarge or
shrink it to control what shows thru the window. Pinterest does a limited form of this, which is very useful in making the cover image relevant)
4. Allow Cover Image to be ordered in different hierarchy (currently every element can be ordered differently except the Cover Image, it seems to be stuck
in the 2nd spot, would like the option to set it on another spot in the layout. This one seems like an easy fix, since you guys allow that for every other
element already)

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